Legal considerations

Legal considerations

The legal value of evidence can be improved by being able to show a timestamp on digital data such as text documents, images, audio files, movies etc as well as for copyright protection.

Free for personal use!

Copyright gives the person who created a work which reaches the "threshold of originality" the right to decide how to use it.

Works can be music, movies, photos, art, sculptures, literature, poetry, computer programs, appearances, lectures, etc.

A concept to assess whether a particular work can be copyrighted. It is used to distinguish works that are sufficiently original to warrant copyright protection from those that are not. In this context, "originality" refers to "coming from someone as the originator/author" (insofar as it somehow reflects the author's personality), rather than "never having occurred or existed before" (which would amount to the protection of something new, as in patent protection).

Whoever created a work owns the moral rights of a copyright. This non-profit copyright cannot be given away or sold and gives the creator the right to be named as an originator (sometimes also known as an author) and protects the work from being used in ways that could violate the integrity or reputation of the originator. Exceptions exist, for example, if you create computer programs / computer games / apps on behalf of a company, you usually agree that the creator will refrain from his non-profit copyright.

Economic copyright may belong to the originator if it is agreed upon when the work is created or if the copyright owner later sells the rights. The proprietor of the copyright determines how the work may be used (published, displayed, copied, streamed, sold, etc.) and is entitled to request financial compensation.

No, as soon as a work is created and has a reached a "threshold of originality" it is protected by the Copyright Act.

Once you have created a work that you think has reached a "threshold of originality" it's perfectly appropriate to use the term Copyright and the © sign together with name and year.

By storing the work as a digital file and timestamp the file by using Enigio's time:beat, you can later prove that the file must have existed at the time the timestamp was made.

If something changes in the file, it will not be recognised when verifying the timestamp. In order for the proof to be verified, the file must be exactly the same as the original that was timestamped. The file may not be edited in any way or converted to any other format after the timestamp was made and the original file or a copy must be available when the proof is to be invoked.

A proof using Enigio's time:beat is completely safe, independent and impossible to manipulate.