Manipulation of digital data without leaving any trace has become extremely easy due to the thousands of tools, for example, Photoshop and so on. To solve the problem, Enigio offers time:beat, a cost-effective timestamping service aligning with the standards of the new EU bylaw eIDAS.
time:beat acts as a digital notary service. It provides a way to protect the integrity and traceability of all types of digital content such as archives, databases, text documents, images, audio files, movies, websites, etc. Hence, Enigio’s time:beat is a solution for anyone whoever needs to prove the provenance of a digital data at a certain time and/or present evidence that it has not been changed since it was timestamped.
Fool-proof timestamps
time:beat is based on linked timestamping and blockchain technology to provide clients secure timestamps that are fool-proof. The API is easy to use giving aggregation of data anchoring in multiple digital channels like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Twitter, and more.
time:beat vs. traditional PKI-based timestamps
time:beat is an independent timestamp service in the sense that the proof can be verified even without using Enigio’s service.
Digital content can be indisputably linked to a certain point of time and thus later proven it was created at that specific time and it has not been changed since (negative timestamping).
With time:beat, It is possible to timestamp hundreds of documents per second (scalable) that never expire.
The product is patented in Sweden and the United States.