The Enigio team includes experienced computer engineers, researchers, software developers, and senior professionals from the financial sector. The team is especially strong in document technology, archival science, cryptography, DLT, relevant legal frameworks and banking.
Patrik Zekkar
M.Sc Business Administration & Economics. Held several senior positions in different organisations within the financial sector, with focus on developing and operating products and services towards the trade and supply chain area. Additionally, with substantial experience as board member in commercial blockchain platform initiatives and from industry interest organisations.
Sales and marketing
Göran Almgren
Head of Sales, New Markets and Lending
Katrin Lindholm
Marketing and Communications Advisor
Long experience in marketing and communications from the financial sector. Since 1982, she has worked for both SEB (Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken) and the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Sweden. Held positions such as Head of Marketing Communications, Marketing Strategists, Project leader, Team Leader etc.