Zertrace Smart Certificates

Published: November 17, 2021
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A joint venture between Zertic in Netherlands and Enigio in Sweden to launch Certificates with Certainty with the support of EIT Digital Innovation and Technology.

Zertrace smart certificates

When trust in certificates risks further decline due to fraud and non-transparency, Enigio and Zertic with the support of EIT Digital have come forward and created Zertrace smart certificate software, a leading-edge solution for Transaction and Standard Certificates that are impossible to manipulate.

Zertrace targets to provide stakeholders in the certification market with an opportunity to issue smart certificates for firstly fruits, vegetables and fresh products in the market for Organic, starting in Europe. This smart certificate technology will also be offered for other areas such as safety and other products; for personal certification as well.

Using Zertrace certificate software, it is possible to digitally create and manage transaction certificates with attachments, scope certificates, or any other certificate document requiring a format with digital certainty on data and origin. Validation of a certificate as true and valid can be done instantly. This enables efficient, more secure and convenient handling of these documents.

The innovation is based on a combination of:

  • Enigio’s trace:original technology to create and manage freely transferrable digital original documents and
  • Zertic horizontal certification software and market expertise

The collaborative effort aims to enable systemic trust between stakeholders in the certification market from producers to certification bodies, to buyers and consumers. Lengthy, costly, and complex processes are made simple and immediate with 100% trustworthy validation with Zertrace.

In this video, Ann-Charlotte Eek presents an overview of the project:

Visit the website and try Zertrace for yourself. You can also download the whitepaper and contact us to learn more.