Ulf Eggefors joins Enigio as Head of Sales Transport & Logistics

Published: January 20, 2022
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Ulf Eggefors

We are pleased to announce that Ulf Eggefors will head up Enigio´s business and expansion of the industry vertical transport and logistics. Ulf has strong and valuable experience for Enigio from a broad range of industries and markets, and with various experiences of scaling and growing businesses globally. This is a key step in building Enigio to be the global provider of a global standard for freely transferable digital original documents.

Patrik ZekkarCEO, says:

Enigio has the cutting edge solution for creating and managing digital original documents, and it’s a pleasure to have Ulf on board to drive the roll-out of our solution globally in the transport and logistics area. I believe Ulf has the capacity to support in unleashing the full potential of these industries by fully digitilise the documents in an interoperable fashion. His broad experience and ability to look cross-industries and cross-geographies will be essential. 

Ulf Eggefors, Enigio’s new Head of Sales Transport & Logistics says: 

” I am delighted to join the Enigio team in the spring and I am looking forward to contribute to the exciting expansion plans. I believe my background in international trade and in trade finance, will add to the competence in the company. This will be an opportunity to change infrastructure and create efficiency in the trade.”

Previously Ulf has held various leading positions at SEB in Stockholm and London, CellMark AB, Swedbank and lately part of the exeutive management team at Hoist Finance AB