Global Trade Review (GTR) is returning to Geneva September 28th for the GTR Commodities.
During this full-day event the commodity trading and commodity finance market will explore the unique set of opportunities and risks. Enigio’s Lars Hansén has been invited to talk in the session:
Tech-led solutions to trade finance de-risking – what’s next for digital commodity markets and trade?
Despite the numerous initiatives in Switzerland, Singapore and others to prevent, identify and isolate the risk of transaction fraud in trade finance, the prevalence of high profile cases remind us why de-risking instruments are vital for banks and lenders. Coupled with continued volatility in commodity prices and supply, digital technologies represent the crux to trade and transaction solutions and improving efficiency. How can trade digitisation be widened and adopted by a larger pool of stakeholders to enable a more digital commodity market? What is next for Swiss based efforts to prevent and de-risk trade finance fraud?
Discussion will examine developments in end-to-end trade digitisation and the role new technologies and services are playing in trade process efficiency, from streamlining exchanges, buyer-seller and commodity price activity, to how efforts are proceeding in the digitisation of letters of credit and other credit facilities. With trade finance fraud a threat to financier appetite and the borrowing rates of risk-pegged lending, further debate will focus on how trade finance registries can refine the collection and utility of buyer and seller data, and the opportunities for fintechs to further innovate tech-led solutions to trade finance securitisation and de-risking.
Michele Sancricca, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, Secro
Graham Hawkins, Partner & Chief Operating Officer, International Metal Platform (IMP)
Lars Hansén, Board Member, Enigio
Kenneth Ma, Chief Executive Officer, Nu-Credits
Moderator: Christopher Jones, Senior Manager, Trading & Treasury Solutions Group, PwC
To see the full programme and to register click on GTR Commodities.