On October 1, Mats Stengård from Enigio participated by invitation as a panellist in the webinar “The practical impact of information technology on intellectual property rights” arranged by FICPI Sweden.
Mats spoke about how emerging digital archival technologies such as blockchain and distributed ledger technologies can be used to make digital information more secure and “tangible” in the future when we demand better provenance, authenticity, security and integrity of our digital information.
About FICPI Sweden
FICPI Sweden is the Swedish association of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI). The international organisation has members from more than 80 countries. FICPI represents patent and trademark attorneys in private practice and supervises issues related to their work, both the practical day-to-day work and legislative issues worldwide.
FICPI Sweden frequently organises seminars in Sweden, focusing on contemporary issues and trends in international IP work. Speakers are usually FICPI members from different parts of the world. The seminars are accessible for everyone, although members of FICPI Sweden join at a reduced cost.