Enigio Webinars 2025
Demystifying MLETR: from theory to practical adoption
The digitalisation of trade has reached a turning point. With legal frameworks like the Electronic Trade Documents Act 2023 and UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR) firmly in place, the time for theoretical discussions is over. It's time for action - and global leaders already showing the way.
This webinar discusses how financial institutions and corporates can move from pilot projects to scalable use cases and full implementation, with real-world examples.
Webinar Speakers:
Merlin Dowse
Executive Director, J.P. Morgan, and Vice Chair, ICC Banking Commission
Sarah Green
Head of Digital Assets and Trade Finance, D2 Legal Technology
Luca Castellani
Legal Officer, UNCITRAL Secretariat and architect of MLETR
Moderated by Patrik Zekkar, CEO, Enigio