Enigio’s innovative technology has been granted three additional patents in Germany, France and the UK. The patented solution, trace:original, enables companies to replace paper documents with electronic original documents that are unique, legally compliant, verifiable, possessable, traceable and freely transferable.
Once created, a trace:original document can be transferred without the recipient needing to be a subscriber, sign any agreement or download software.
The trace:original technology is document-centric and supports the PDF format, with embedded structured data that is identical and machine-readable without the need for human intervention. It uses cryptographic keys to control the ownership of the document and the data securely. The patents make it possible for anyone to securely create and control original electronic documents that may be updated and transferred in a safe and convenient way, with a full audit trail included.
The invention has already been granted patents in USA, Asia and Europe.
The patents enable the creation of freely transferable electronic documents under the UK's Electronic Trade Documents Act as well as the United Nations’ Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR) framework. This ensures that the documents are uniquely identifiable, in exclusive control, and capable of supporting annotations such as endorsements. Enigio is now leveraging these patents and its technology with the trace:original envelope. This uses the freely transferable principle to carry any type of data in a borderless, open environment, enabling full reach to all parties in the trade ecosystem.
Some words from Hans Almgren, Enigio Co-Founder and Inventor
“Our goal was to solve the problem of replicating traditional paper documents in a secure electronic form, while maintaining their singularity and transferability. Instead of the millions of paper documents being transported around the world physically, we propose electronic documents that can be transferred instantly with increased reliability, speed and sustainability.
The first trace:original document was issued in April 2019, and the first live transaction under the UK Electronic Trade Documents Act was completed in September 2023 using trace:original technology for a promissory note worth GBP 48M. The transaction was completed in hours instead of weeks. Working with inventions is an ongoing collaboration and I would like to thank Noréns Patentbyrå AB, led by Johan Örtenblad, for these milestones we continue to achieve.”