Enigio is proud to announce that it has finally been awarded a patent for time:beat by the United States Patent and Trademark Office which was issued on October 13, 2020.
time:beat is now officially recognized by the US under patent number 10, 803,049. The title of the application was;
‘’Method for creating signals for time-stamping of documents and Method for time-stamping of documents.‘’
In the patent document, US 10,803,049 B2 gives details of the process that time:beat follows to time-stamp a document. The patent is valid for 14 years from the date of issue and is valid until November 28, 2034.
About time:beat
In line with Enigio’s vision of creating a digital world founded on truth, time:beat is an innovative service that acts as a modern digital notary. time:beat uses linked timestamping and blockchain technology to provide clients with secure timestamps. With time:beat, digital data such as documents, photos, streamed media and transactions can be indisputably linked to a certain time and thus later proven it existed at that time and that it has not been changed since. The edge with time:beat over traditional timestamps is that it does not expire, and it can also be used to prove that digital data was not created before a certain time, not only that it was not changed after a certain time.
The technology used is fool-proof and cannot be manipulated or altered. The product has already received patents from Sweden and now the US patent adds to the strength and originality of the product.
For more details about Enigio’s US Patent for time:beat, click here.