Enigio receives patent in China for trace:original technology, which enables digitalisation of all types of electronic trade documents

Published: January 23, 2024
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Enigio is proud to announce that it has been awarded a new patent for the digital original document invention behind Enigio’s trace:original solution. The patent was issued by China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) in accordance with Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China on December 5, 2023

Enigio’s digital original document invention behind the trace:original solution is officially recognized and recorded by the Patent Register under patent number CN110785760B

The title of the application is:

“Method and system for registering digital documents”

The patent document describes how to securely, create, manage, trace versions and manage possession of transferable digital original documents. The patent is valid in China until December 5, 2038.

The invention behind the trace:original solution has already been granted a patent in Sweden, Singapore, the US and have pending patent applications in Europe (European Patent Office, EPO), Hong Kong and India.

“The global patents are appreciated acknowledgements and proof of the trace:original solution’s uniqueness, for the digitalisation of all types of original documents.  It´s also a recognition of Enigio’s position at the forefront in this market i.e. the digitalisation process of original documents,” says Patrik Zekkar, Enigio’s CEO.

“Enigio will continue to develop and serve various industries’ enhanced need for digitalisation, particularly in areas such as trade finance, transport, logistics, lending, and certificates. Further, moving from paper to digital documents will both reduce the carbon footprint and improve possibilities for SMEs to be financed.” 

About trace:original 

Enigio’s trace:original is a technical solution through whicha digital original document can be created and possession of the original freely transferred between parties using distributed ledger technology solely for the purposes of validation, verification and recording possession. The solution has proven very suitable for negotiable instruments and documents of title, such as bills of exchange and bills of lading. It is designed to comply with current legislation and is fully aligned with UNCITRAL’s Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR). trace:original is also being used in logistics for digitising key transport documents as well as applied in the European certification market and being evaluated for other markets where digital original documents with regulatory certainty are needed to eliminate fraud risk in highly efficient document processes.

To find out more about trace:original please visit trace:original

For more details about the patent visit: http://epub.cnipa.gov.cn/cred/CN110785760B